
Who Are You on ๐•?

Your Labels Define Your Account More Than Know...

How To Find Your Codes:

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Here is what your ๐• labels mean

Here's a breakdown of the labels used by the X/Twitter system
(this comes from grok directly)
Abusive: Accounts that engage in abusive behavior, such as harassment, threats, or hate speech.AbusiveHighRecall: Accounts that are likely to engage in abusive behavior, with a high recall rate.AgathaSpamTopUser: Accounts that are top users of Agatha, a spam detection system.BirdwatchDisabled: Accounts that have been disabled by the Birdwatch community.BlinkBad: Accounts that have been flagged by the Blink system as potentially harmful or low-quality.BlinkQuestionable: Accounts that have been flagged by the Blink system as potentially questionable or low-quality.BlinkWorst: Accounts that have been flagged by the Blink system as the worst offenders.Compromised: Accounts that have been compromised or hacked.DelayedRemediation: Accounts that require delayed remediation, such as waiting for further investigation or manual review.DoNotCharge: Accounts that should not be charged for certain actions, such as advertising.DoNotAmplify: Accounts that should not be amplified or promoted on the platform.DownrankSpamReply: Accounts that are likely to post spam replies and should be downranked in search results.DuplicateContent: Accounts that post duplicate content or engage in content duplication.EngagementSpammer: Accounts that engage in spamming or excessive engagement.EngagementSpammerHighRecall: Accounts that are likely to engage in engagement spamming, with a high recall rate.ExperimentalPfmUser1-4: Experimental labels for user behavior experiments.ExperimentalSeh1-5: Experimental labels for user behavior experiments.ExperimentalSensitiveIllegal1-2: Experimental labels for sensitive or illegal content detection.FakeSignupDeferredRemediation: Accounts that have been flagged for fake signups and require deferred remediation.FakeSignupHoldback: Accounts that have been flagged for fake signups and should be held back from certain actions.GoreAndViolenceHighPrecision: Accounts that post content with high precision gore and violence detection.GoreAndViolenceReportedHeuristics: Accounts that post content with reported heuristics for gore and violence detection.HealthExperimentation1-2: Experimental labels for health-related content detection.HighRiskVerification: Accounts that require high-risk verification, such as for sensitive or controversial topics.LikelyIvs: Accounts that are likely to engage in impersonation or impersonation-related activities.LiveLowQuality: Accounts that post low-quality content during live events.LowQuality: Accounts that post low-quality content in general.LowQualityHighRecall: Accounts that are likely to post low-quality content, with a high recall rate.NotGraduated: Accounts that have not graduated from a specific program or system.NotificationSpamHeuristics: Accounts that have been flagged for notification spam using heuristics.NsfwAvatarImage: Accounts that have been flagged for NSFW avatar images.NsfwBannerImage: Accounts that have been flagged for NSFW banner images.NsfwHighPrecision: Accounts that have been flagged for high precision NSFW content detection.NsfwHighRecall: Accounts that have been flagged for high recall NSFW content detection.NsfwNearPerfect: Accounts that have been flagged for near-perfect NSFW content detection.NsfwReportedHeuristics: Accounts that have been flagged for reported heuristics for NSFW content detection.NsfwSensitive: Accounts that have been flagged for sensitive NSFW content detection.NsfwText: Accounts that have been flagged for NSFW text content detection.ReadOnly: Accounts that have been set to read-only mode.RecentAbuseStrike: Accounts that have received a recent abuse strike.RecentMisinfoStrike: Accounts that have received a recent misinformation strike.RecentProfileModification: Accounts that have recently modified their profile.RecentSuspension: Accounts that have recently been suspended.RecommendationsBlacklist: Accounts that have been blacklisted from recommendations.SearchBlacklist: Accounts that have been blacklisted from search results.SoftReadOnly: Accounts that have been set to soft read-only mode.SpamHighRecall: Accounts that have been flagged for high recall spam detection.SpammyUserModelHighPrecision: Accounts that have been flagged for high precision spammy user model detection.StateMediaAccount: Accounts that are state-owned or state-controlled media accounts.TsViolation: Accounts that have violated Twitter's terms of service.UnconfirmedEmailSignup: Accounts that have not confirmed their email address.LegalOpsCase: Accounts that are involved in a legal or operational case.Deprecated: These labels are deprecated and no longer in use.Note that this is not an exhaustive list, and the exact definitions and usage of these labels may change over time.

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Ac feugiat dui semper


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